May 2016


Why? 22 Attendees   Why? That’s the pivotal question. We often spend more time on determining the “what” or the “how” than we devote to the core “why” of our actions. We talk about our product – the “what”; we talk about our process – the “how.” We forget the force that drives us – …

Why? Read More »

DEBATE NIGHT: Convince me or, at least, persuade me!

39 Attendees   Berlin Debating Union meets CBT in an exciting evening of argumentation.   What is debate, exactly? My dictionary supplies this answer, “Debate is contention in argument; especially a formal discussion of subjects before a public assembly. Debate is a method of formally presenting an argument in a disciplined manner.” And I will add …

DEBATE NIGHT: Convince me or, at least, persuade me! Read More »