Optimism, Shoes, a Kiss

24 August 2015

The one thing I love about Toastmasters is that I learn so much from the speeches our members give – anything from how shoes reflect our soul, to the science of optimism and a lover’s kiss.

Dagmar led us expertly through the evening, piquing our curiosity at every turn of the agenda. Our speakers were all quite experienced and masterful.

Matthias had us questioning ourselves. Am I an optimist? A pessimist? Or a realist? After giving us the research background, Matthias revealed that these traits don’t lie so much in our personality as they do in our choice. Choosing optimism himself, our speaker concluded that, although it carries the most risk, optimism offers the greatest chance for positive change.

Violetta delighted us with her quandary of what shoes to wear. While modeling a variety of footwear – from slippers to stilettos – Violetta described how each captured her history, her character, her soul. She definitely had me going through my own shoe boxes and recognizing my life’s journey in an ever-changing march of shoes.

Johanna topped the evening with an „after dinner“ speech which captured and kept our attention. Who wouldn’t be enthralled by her elegant turns of phrase as she argued that kissing is far better than sex. Many heads nodded in agreement as she reminded us of the tenderness, passion and vulnerability of a good kiss.

What will I remember from this evening? Our endless curiosity!

What did I take away from this evening? This quote from Michelangelo: The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.“

Khushi Pasquale, Acting President Center Berlin Toastmasters