

30 Attendees Why would we invite a former lawyer to give us a workshop on humor? We may be in a humor workshop with a lawyer, but that’s still better than being tried in court by a clown! Matthias Müller-Krey, former lawyer and journalist, present German Speechwriter, walked us through a technique of bringing together […]


Friendly Competition

19 Attendees   First Ever Center Berlin Toastmasters Club Competition! Despite low turnout, still extremely exciting.   Johanna, our Contest Master, was right, contests tend to bring out the best in our speakers. Tonight’s contest was no exception.   A hearty thank you to Alin, Johanna, Dagmar, Bertrand, Anna, Florian, Yara, and our Judges for

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Life’s a Marathon

25 Attendees   Marathons – there are all sorts from trying to keep up with your toddlers, to trying to stay awake during exams, to running in the famous New York or Berlin marathons. All take an action plan, endurance and a positive outlook.   Tonight we had five speeches in our marathon and everyone

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36 Attendees   Mother Tongue was the theme of the evening. And we discovered there are expressions that defy translation. “Abbiocco” is one. It’s the Italian word for “the tired feeling you have after you eat lots of food”. Thanks to our guest, Matteo from Bologna, we now have just the right word for something

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The Right Moment

29 Attendees   When is the right moment to speak? When is the right moment to get on stage? Our Toastmaster of the Evening, Volker, made it clear: “the right moment is now! Coming to Toastmasters and not speaking, is like seeing a $100 bill on the ground and not picking up.”   Our speakers

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30 Attendees It seems a lot of us made the same resolution to improve our speaking and leadership skills this year! At this meeting, we had some great examples of both.   We started out with our first Annual General Meeting and were able to get through the agenda quickly. The Finance Report clearly showed


Happy Holidays

17 Attendees To say this meeting was “great” wouldn’t tell you much. But what if I said: we had speeches that tickled our brains and our hearts; speakers who wanted to involve, inspire and entertain us; guests and Toastmasters who reached deep inside themselves to convey a message? Would that define “great” for you? It

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Anything Can Happen

Anything can happen? What exactly do you mean by that? Toastmaster meetings provide a structure of short (5-7 minute) prepared speeches; even shorter (1-2 minute) spontaneous speeches; and lots of motivating feedback. “Anything can happen” means that even in a structure you can find fun, humorous moments or be surprised by the topics our speakers

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